The first Multi Wave Imager (MWI) RFA structure a été livrée à notre client Airbus Defence and Space. Ceci confirme la position de Sonaca en tant que partenaire sérieux pour le succès des applications spatiales avancées.
The MWI instrument will be installed on the Second Generation of MetOp satellites, Europe’s polar orbiting mission dedicated to operational meteorology. This Engineering Qualification Model (EQM) structure will be mechanically tested by the end of the year. For this program, financed by ESA, four additional structures will be produced by Sonaca, one Prototype Flight Model (PFM) and three Flight Models FM2, FM3 and FM4 ). For this project, the main challenges were the complexity of the parts to be produced as well as the specificity of the customer requirements. They were all well addressed by Sonaca's space team to achieve a very satisfying result.
Le premier lancement du MetOp SG, qui fournira un suivi des précipitations ainsi que des informations détaillées sur les sea ic, est prévu en 2021.